News article

IWFM Market Outlook: FM’s demand tech that support remotes new workplace strategies

Building Automation
Digital Services
25 April 2022

This year’s Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management’s (IWFM) Market Outlook report has been published this month – and, according to its authors, it reflects “the broader economic picture: challenges of supply chain squeezes; creeping inflation – especially energy prices; and a skills shortage pinching sharply now as the post-Brexit sector finds itself bereft of skilled frontline workers“.

Six in 10 respondents expect an improved outlook for 2022 (although the full impact of the war in Ukraine is yet to be felt. The optimism is said to be "linked to expectations of a reactivated sector as workers return to offices".

Changes to working models

The survey notes that last two years of shifting to new working models that include remote, home and flexible working have continued - even as the pandemic's impacts normalise. The factors most strongly identified as having a positive impact on the market over the last 12 months were changes in the use of technology and data, in workplace strategies, including remote or hybrid working.

Gavin Holvey, Priva UK's & Ireland General Manager, commented: “Since the pandemic, we have seen significant demand for our cloud-based Digital Building Services technologies and this report from the IWFM seems to support our experience. As the workplace evolves, and continues to do so, it's clear that FMs will increasingly require building management tools that can support their need for flexibility and changing patterns of working. Today's FMs want to be able to manage estates anywhere and anytime, and from any device - something that was once unthinkable. And, now they can.”

To download full IWFM Market Outlook Survey 2022 report click here.

Would you like more information? We are happy to help you!

Bill Whittaker

Business Development Manager

Bill Whittaker