News article

BCIA New Technical Guide: BEMS Design And Embodied Carbon

Building Automation
Net Zero
07 August 2023

The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) has published a new Technical Guide to add to its online portfolio of Guides. Available to download on the BCIA’s website, the new Guide is titled “Building Energy Management System (BEMS) Design and Embodied Carbon”.

Authored by the BCIA's Technical Working Group, the document highlights how embodied carbon can be reduced in BEMS systems. Embodied carbon is the equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building. With all new contracts, consideration for Embodied Carbon reduction must be included in the BEMS design.

BCIA President Graeme Rees said: “The BCIA Technical Guides are a vital tool designed to help members and anyone working in the building controls and BEMS industry work more effectively. This latest Guide details the importance placed on the reduction of carbon emissions by governments around the world and the steps consultants and specifiers can take to reduce Embodied Carbon, including early engagement with clients and ensuring the most up to date BEMS controls are installed.”

All of the BCIA's Technical Guides can be downloaded from the “Technical Guides” section of the BCIA website.

Priva UK is a long-standing member of the BCIA.

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Bill Whittaker